The test helped me in self-awareness revealing behaviours that I did not notice. It helped improve richly the relationship with people, because I began to “know them”
Benefits of using Hallos Relationship
What do people say when using Hallos Relationship
Blind spots: Do you have full awareness of the impact that
How do we establish relationships: Friendliness, Antipathy
Why do we have difficulties in establishing relationships
Researches and observations have shown that people tend to treat others
according to their own personal style. The problem arises when we think or
require others to act similarly to us. This happens because we think that everyone
works in the same way.
A company director of a certain style declared: "- Is not it obvious? If I leave
everything organized and I am punctual, the least I can hope is that the other
person does the same!"
Another director of another style complained about a professional "- If I am liberal
and I give full freedom to my team, how a manager of that team may want to
centralize decisions? That's nonsense! I should replace that person."
Because we ignore the fact that human beings function differently and that this is
something inherent to their nature, we have distorted expectations about what
each one can do or about their form of communication. In general, even those who
consider the diversity of people, naturally they want to be understood just as they
are and that others meet their expectations. When this does not occur, conflict