The meaning of Hallos methodology is alive and helps me daily to
understand the whole diversity and position myself so quiet, always respecting the differences.
Benefits of using Hallos Relationship
What do people say when using Hallos Relationship
Blind spots: Do you have full awareness of the impact that
How do we establish relationships: Friendliness, Antipathy
Why do we have difficulties in establishing relationships
The following reports testify the effect of Hallos Methodology in leaders who
completed the questionnaire for more than two years.
I turned into a more mature person. I learned to observe people more, listen more and to be analytical in reflections of people / relations.
Maura Ferreyra dos Santos Costa e Silva -Sales Manager
By doing Hallos Relationship had a moment of epiphany. At that moment, I could
understand why many of my professional and personal experiences in the past were not as successful. The meaning of Hallos methodology is alive and helps me daily to understand the whole diversity and position myself so quiet, always respecting the differences.
Alan Marinho – IT Manager
With this awareness, I had the possibility of understanding better the diversity of
different personalities and which form is more comfortable or language is more
appropriate to different publics.
Elizabeth Cristina Félix da Silva Bizzo – Commercial Manager
To be able to understand with clarity why we are so different and why people have
different manners of being and acting was fantastic and made me to be more
comprehensive with myself and of course, with all those who form part of my daily life … friends, co-workers, parents and brother and mainly, my husband. To acquire this awareness was essential for my personal, professional and spiritual growth.
Isabella Mara Ribeiro dos Reis - Commercial Manager
The test helped me in self-awareness revealing behaviours that I did not notice. It
helped improve richly the relationship with people, because I began to “know them”
Marcia Alcantara – Commercial Manager
To study the process of colors was to study myself, to understand better some
behaviour patterns, to understand my difficulties and my strengths. Before I did not accept because I used to do some things with so much ease and others, which were easy for other people, was so complicated for me, and this caused a lot of frustration. Then, from this training, I am more comprehensive with myself and with others. I began to observe more people around me and to understand them better. I am having fantastic results with my team.
Keity Cristine da Silva – Commercial Manager
From the time when I begin to admit my complementary needs along with the group, to respect more the differences and to give opportunity so that the predominant color of each may be manifested, the force of the team grows exponentially.
Walter Luis Lene – General Director
... once I got to know a bit of the essence of my co-workers, the relation (personal and professional) became much easier. It was possible to direct my attitudes in accordance with the expectation and essence of each one; everything flowed in a much calmer way. And for me, this exercise was also a way of evolving personally, because knowing how we are in essence (proven with the colors), we align even the type of expectation we must have, a greater self-control is possible.
Mariana Pille Vivan - Commercial Manager
It helped me observe people better, to notice what is the “color” of this person and the ideal manner for me to work and communicate with him. In general it made me glance at the other by placing me in his shoes, making me think without judging… “Why does that person act in such a way?” “How can I help him?”
Jacinara Ferreira Lima - Manager